How to copy contacts from phone to Sim | Redmi

How to copy contacts from phone to SIM | Redmi

In Today's digital world, electronics have become an important part of our life, electronic goods, machinery, etc. have made our life even more comfortable, now we are talking about smartphones, they play a very important role in our life. Smartphones' first and most important use is to establish contact with each other through calls, through which we can establish contact with our acquaintances and share information with each other, for this you should save the contact number in your smartphone. It happens now you save some contact numbers in your phone and some in your sim card if ever you need to transfer your contact numbers to a sim whether it is just for backup purposes or for any other use. you should know how to copy contacts from your phone to SIM in Redmi
In this article, we are going to tell our Redmi users how they can copy their contacts to a sim please read below carefully.

How to transfer your contacts 

Step 1. Checking SIM card compatibility

Step 2. Accessing the contacts menu

Step 3. Selecting and exporting contacts

Step 4. Copying contacts to SIM

Step 5. Verifying copied contacts

You have to follow below step by step guide :

Step 1. Checking SIM card compatibility

Before we begin the process of transferring contacts, it is very important to ensure that your SIM card is compatible with your device. Different Redmi models may have varying SIM card requirements, so it is important to check your device's user manual or consult the manufacturer's website for accurate information. Additionally, make sure your SIM card has sufficient storage capacity to accommodate the contacts you wish to copy.

Step 2. Accessing the contacts menu

You have to unlock your Redmi device using your preferred security method, such as a PIN, pattern, or fingerprint. you have to find and open the "Contacts" app on your home screen or app drawer. It is usually represented by an icon resembling an address book. Now open the "Contacts" app, and you will find a list of your existing contacts.

Step 3. Selecting and exporting contacts

In the "Contacts" app option, scroll or search for the contact you wish to copy to your SIM card.
When you have selected the desired contact, tap on it to open their detailed information. Look for the option to "Edit" or "More" within the contact's details and tap on it. This option may differ slightly depending on your Redmi device's software version. If you see the "Edit" option, tap on it to access the contact editing screen. Now you have to find the "More" option, tap on it, and then select "Edit" from the menu that appears.

Step 4. Copying contacts to SIM

Within the contact editing screen, look for the option to "Copy to SIM" or "Copy to SIM card" and tap on it. A confirmation dialog box may appear, asking for your consent to copy the contact to your SIM card. Tap "OK" or "Yes" to proceed. Now you have to  Repeat the above steps for each contact you wish to copy to the SIM card, ensuring that you don't miss any important information.

Step 5. Verifying copied contacts

After you have successfully copied your desired contacts to the SIM card, exit the "Contacts" app and navigate to your device's home screen. Locate the "Settings" app on your home screen or app drawer, typically represented by a gear or cogwheel icon. Open the "Settings" app and scroll or search for the option labeled "SIM cards & mobile networks" or a similar variant.
Tap on the "SIM cards & mobile networks" option to access the SIM card settings. In SIM card settings, look for an option that says "SIM card contacts" or similar wording. Tap on it to view the contacts stored on your SIM card.

Ensure that the contacts you copied earlier are present and accurately stored on the SIM card. You can cross-reference them with the information you initially saved in your phone's memory.


Transferring contacts from your phone to a SIM card is a prudent way to ensure that your vital contact information remains accessible, even when changing devices or encountering unexpected situations. This was an easy way to transfer contacts from your phone to a sim card. We hope the help of the given above step-by-step guide has solved your issue of how to copy contacts from the phone to SIM in Redmi. If you have any questions to ask or for more information, you can ask your question by commenting to us.


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