How To Fix No Sound Issue On Samsung Galaxy S8

Many users are facing issue with Samsung S8 If you are a Galaxy S8 owner, you have one of the most beautiful phones ever made. But all that beauty comes with one flaw -- and no, it's not the placement of the fingerprint sensor. Some owners are experiencing audio problems with their handsets. On Samsung's community discussion forums, many users have complained about audio cutting out on their phones when streaming videos, playing music, or games. The issue seems to affect the built-in speakers, and using headphones is a way to circumvent the problem. At this point, the source of the issue has not been identified, making it difficult to attribute it to a software bug or a hardware defect. If you are experiencing this problem, I recommend doing a basic check first: To fix the issue you can try below methods: Fix 1 : Your phone might have the Silent/Vibrate mode enabled. You can check this by using the drop-down menu using your fingers to slide down the screen from the top...